Design services, Staging & Preparation


The Dwell360 team understands the lifestyle that today’s buyers are looking for. We make savvy recommendations so that your property will put its best foot forward. Sometimes this will mean simply clearing away the clutter, and other times it may mean recommending updates and referring contractors. We will carefully weigh the costs and benefits of each approach. Prior to photos, we will expertly restyle your home using your own furnishings, and as a finishing touch, we may even bring in small furniture and accessories from our staging collection.

Alerica Staging Dining Tabel

Staging Consultation

When your home is staged well, it will lead to more interest in your home, a quicker sale, and even more money for the home. Together we will make sure your home looks its very best.

Items we consider when staging a home:

  1. Stow away your clutter

  2. Scale back on your furniture

  3. Rethink the placement of your furnishings

  4. Add white and color thoughtfully to brighten your rooms

  5. Make sure it shines

Staging items on kitchen island, Dwell360
Storage shelves of staging

Our Staging Collection

Dwell360 maintains a tasteful collection of various staging materials in our local warehouse. From furnishings, artwork, and bedding to accessories with that necessary pizazz, we are prepared to add important accents to your home or furnish a vacant home to ensure that we achieve the best price for your property.

Staging items in storage warehouse

Before & After

The following are before and after images of three properties that had been previously listed and unsold by another brokerage. Then Dwell360 was contracted to stage, re-market, and subsequently sell each property.

After: Dwell360 Staged

Before: Prior Listing

Before: Prior Listing

After: Dwell360 Staged

Before: Prior Listing

Before: Prior Listing

After: Dwell360 Staged

Before: Prior Listing

Before: Prior Listing

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