Dwell360 Real Estate Massachusetts

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Top Three Reasons Why Property Investment Is King

No one wants to hear this, but I’m saying it anyway. Real estate is the best long-term financial investment. Phew…that’s a relief.

With the real estate market in the dumps for several years now, it is not easy to get back into the pro-property mind-set. But, it is exactly at these times that you should be considering expanding your real estate portfolio.

One reason I know this is because while the real estate market is dragging in most of the country, it is dominated by the professional real estate investors. Don’t you want to learn a lesson or two from them?

The professional investor loves real estate above all other investments. There are three main reasons for this.

First, real estate investing can come in many forms, just like any other investments. There are small condos, multi-family buildings, commercial, residential, mixed use properties, different towns, neighborhoods, etc. For every budget, preference and style, there is an investment instrument.

Second, real estate has a certain tangible value that you just don’t see in other investments. Property investors love that there is an asset they can visit, fix and maintain. There is a satisfaction in knowing that you have some control and responsibility in the relative value of the property.

Third, although real estate is illiquid – meaning it takes relatively a lot of time and effort to sell it – it is a versatile investment. You can hold it, or resell it when the market turns your way. You can do extensive renovations and have a quick resell, or you can hold it with tenants for years to come. Whatever it is, you have options and you can make decisions based on the best scenarios for your needs and the market conditions.

All of this assumes that you have sufficient funds for a down payment and that your expenses on the property are covered. The major drawback in investment real estate are the unavoidable expenses in maintaining it and the difficulty of selling it if you need the cash.

But this said, it may be time to consider an investment property, especially in such a critical time in the market. Opportunities and possibilities are present, and real estate investing can be a perfect fit for long-term financial goals.

Ruth Lerner, Real Estate, Dwell360Ruth Lerner is a Senior Sale Associate with Dwell360 a residential real estate firm based in Boston and Newton Massachusetts. Ruth as a part of Dwell360 services the cities and suburbs of metro Boston. Contact Ruth at Ruth@Dwell360.com or 617-807-0471