Dwell360's Classes for Buyers & Sellers

Are you considering buying or selling a home? Curious how the market has changed recently?

Attend our complimentary Real Estate Classes

Saturday, May 11, 2013

  • 9:00am Home Buying - How Times Have Changed
  • 10:00am Question & Answer Break
  • 11:00am Selling Your Home in Today's Market

    • Meet our REALTORS, trusted attorney, and experienced mortgage lender
    • Attend one class or attend both
    • Enjoy refreshments and learn in a casual setting
    • First-time buyers & sellers will learn where to start
    • Experienced home owners will benefit from our discussion of the trials & tribulations of selling your home while buying your next home
    • Hosted by Dwell360, Ligris & Associates PC, and Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

Dwell360, Ligris & Associates, and Independent Mortgage will host complimentary real estate classes on May 11, 2013. Buyers and Sellers of all experience levels are invited to attend to learn what is different in the market today. Located at Dwell360, 46 Austin Street, Newton, MA 02460. Call 617-299-1864 to register.

REGISTER via the link below, call 617-299-1864 or email Alerica@Dwell360.com!

Please tell us which class(es) you will attend, the number of people attending, your name, town, email, and/or phone number.

PLEASE NOTE: registration for these classes are now closed.

Dwell360 | Real Estate, 46 Austin Street Suite 302, Newton, MA 02460


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