Is 26 too many?

Brick Houses

Friday there was 11, Saturday was 9, and Sunday finished with 6. A combination of single family homes and condos in Newton and Brookline.

One month ago these relocation buyers had made a special trip from Chicago to Boston to spend 3 days looking at properties. The agent that was assigned to them met them the first day, showed them four homes and then informed them that she was busy the next two days and could not show them any more homes. Left high and dry and obviously frustrated, they looked for a new agent.

After being introduced to me, one month later, and without too many details, they informed me that they would be in town and wanted to see as many houses as possible. We spent three days together, looked at 26 homes, forgetting most of them, finally choosing one, but need to wait to sell their current home back home.

Is 26 homes to many to show?

-- Ed Johnston


What is going on this month?


Relocating to/from Boston Suburbs and Cities with Dwell360