Newton Single Family Sold Price up 3.63%

Newton Neighborhood

What would you say if I said the average price of a single family home in Newton Massachusetts is up? It is true. The average sale price is up 3.63% in the Garden City. A client needed some real estate sales data and some of the figures we compare was 2009 and 2010 sales data in MLS for closings for each year for the time range of January 1 – November 15.

For the time frame noted above, the average sale price in 2009 was $845,434 and in 2010 is $876,186 for single family homes. We also noted a slight increase in the actual number of single family homes sold just 428 in 2009 and 449 homes sold in 2010. One notworthy piece of data is the days a home is on the market before going under agreement went down by 6 days from 77 in 2009 to 71 in 2010.

It is always interesting to see how many of these sales exceed $2,000,000. In 2009 it was 11 homes and in 2010 there was 18 homes that sold for $2,000,000 or more. This is a notable statistic as higher priced homes can influence the average sale price in the given market.

In 2010 the single family homes on the market in Newton MA sold for 97% of the most recent asking price set for the property. But, these properties actually have sold for 94% of the original asking price of the home. A good illustration that properties well priced often need to take the next step and be aggressively priced to sell.

This was just some quick real estate market sale data for Newton Massachusetts. We will provide this information more often and as the New Year is on the horizon we will have some great data to share with you about Newton, Brookline, Boston, and other cities and towns we service.

Be sure to visit our new YouTube channel at Dwell360 is a real estate brokerage based in Newton Ma that has experienced agents, state of the art marketing, and an understanding our the local market. Contact us for market data.


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