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Smart Homes Part 5: Thermostats, Lighting, and Appliances
Smart homes today have expanded to include even more devices to improve functionality and efficiency in the home. Thermostats, lights, and appliances are now three categories of products that can be included in your smart home. In this final blog of our Smart Homes Series, we will help get you started.

Smart Homes Part 4: Speakers and Entertainment
While most smart devices are for productivity, some also provide entertainment and fun! We’ve mentioned smart speakers and smart hubs (also known as smart displays) in previous Smart Home posts, and we’ll go deeper into those here, as well as discuss smart TVs.

Smart Homes Part 3: Security Systems
One of the most popular features of smart homes is security. From video doorbells to security cameras, there’s a lot to choose from and incorporate into your smart home. In this third post in our Smart Homes Series we’ll touch upon a few devices from multiple brands.

Smart Homes Part 2: Staying Connected
What exactly “connects” all of your smart devices together, and how can they be controlled in one place? Read on to find out. The smart hub is one way that your smart devices can connect together. From your hub, you can control all of the devices that are connected. You can also control all of your devices from the supported app that comes with the hub.

Smart Homes Part 1: Should You Make Your Home a Smart Home?
With all of the new technology being created in the past decade, a common phrase has started to float around: smart home. If you’re considering turning your residence into a smart home, it can be daunting to comb through all of this information. With this series, we hope to clear up some questions you may have, and give information about some of the different smart products that exist.