Dwell360 Real Estate Massachusetts

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The Average Home Sale Price is Up! | Brookline, Cambridge, and Newton

Single family homes in Newton, Cambridge, and Brookline Massachusetts for the period of 1/1/2010 - 8/15/2010 compared to the same period in 2009 has shown solid results. The average sales single family price and total number of sales have increased.

The condos sold for the same period of 2010 compared to 2009 have also done well. Cambridge did see a decline of in the average sales price by more than 7% but did see an increase of more than 35% in the number of condos sold.

2009 vs. 2010

Brookline – Single Family
Number of Listings Sold: 65 vs. 100 up by 35
Average Sale Price: $1,318,967 vs. $1,326,708 +0.5%

Brookline - Condominium
Number of Listings Sold: 319 vs. 336 up by 17
Average Sale Price: $534,427 vs. $530,761 +0.6%

Cambridge – Single Family
Number of Listings Sold: 59 vs. 71 up by 12
Average Sale Price: $1,057,348 vs. $1,227,286 +16.07%

Cambridge – Condominium
Number of Listings Sold: 319 vs. 432 yp by 113
Average Sale Price: $534,427 vs. $492,335 - 7.876%

Newton – Single Family
Number of Listings Sold: 312 vs. 334 up by 20
Average Sale Price: $859,695 vs. $894.813 +4%

Newton – Condominium
Number Listings Sold: 142 vs. 168 up by 26
Average Sale Price: $465,101 vs. $471,149 +1.3%

This market data for homes sales in these Massachusetts towns shows that the market has been very active in 2010 compared to 2009. The number of homes sold have increased and single families are fetching more money. Sellers have become more realistic with their pricing, this mixed with some record low interest rates, has created a very good environment this year to purchase a property.

For more information on your market or the values in tour town please contact us at service@dwell360.com. Also visit our website Dwell360 to learn more about our real estate brokerage in Massachusetts.

Dwell360 is a Massachusetts real estate brokerage firm that services the metro Boston real estate markets. Founded by experienced REALTORS, Edward Johnston and John Lynch, Dwell360 leverages its technology and extensive experience to create effectively provided educated consultation and results driven solutions for both our sellers and buyer. Our team is located both in Boston and Newton Massachusetts with experience in Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Chestnut Hill, Newton, Davis Square, Wellesley, Needham, along with other specific experience in nearby cities and towns.