Dwell360 Real Estate Massachusetts

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Video: Our New Marketing Tool

As our real estate firm Dwell360 moves forward we have some great things in store for the world of real estate. As we sit in our Newton office, we have been planning the future of our firm and forecasting how the real estate market will develop in the coming year. We are also paying close attention to how the industry itself will change.

VIDEO: Select Sold Single Family Homes

Our firm looks to be leaders of change in the industry and we look forward to the innovations we have planned. Since Ed Johnston and John Lynch founded Dwell360 the energy and excitement has been exhilarating.

VIDEO: Select Sold Condos

Today, we begin our adventure into the world of video marketing. Video has become a wonderful way to market homes and provide real estate information. Take take a look at our YouTube channel and view the recent properties we have sold. Also, check back again soon as we will be adding more to the site.

VIDEO: Sold Withington Road

Talk to you soon!